Last year at Earl Bradsher when visiting Kashawn he told his classmates when asked who I was, "This my daddy." They are now in Kindergarden and several of the kids when I come say. "There's Kashawn's daddy." I just smile. I don't mind.
With the state of most families or lack there of, many kids are left in need of more love. Even some of them who have a parent and perhaps two might still fit that label of "orphans" from James 1:27. It reads:
"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."
I know that taking Jesus serious to "take up my cross daily" left me spending my one day of the week that I could do what I wanted and spending it on some kids. Jesus command was very proactive when he said
"You shall love your neighbor as yourself ”
Going through James has caused me to see how well I love myself. I'm quite good at it. I spoil myself regularly.
The question we need to ask ourselves are we responding to Jesus with action? I'm not sure this meant that we start attending church or go to seminary. That we start reading the right trendy books or know all the big name pastors. That we build for ourselves a tight christian bubble. Its a call to action. To love and to love sacrificially. Like me, the blessing will be yours, not theirs.
i was telling Cristina that the kids seem to get it better than we adults do. maybe you're not their brother or father by blood, but you're a brother & father to them IN ACTION, which if you ask me, or ask James i believe, that's far more important. keep it up bro, God's changing lives