Disciples who make disciples. What a dream and vision. It's one that we have at YFC and we are now making bigger steps toward that goal. Even better, its combining two things I love, training teens and working with kids. July 18-22 is our next Equipper Camp. In the past we have done several work projects teaching the teens to get out and serve. But this years work project hits me right in the heart. We will be leading a bible club in one of the neighborhoods where I frequently visit, Burch Ave. Ministering in government housing makes it easy to attract kids. They are always out and about playing in the streets. Building relationships there does take patience though. Many have no concern for your ways and discipline is seldom enforced unless the parents are inconvenienced in some way, and well, thats not much discipline at all.
I remember the discipline of my mother when she would stand over my shoulder at night for an hour making me do my homework as I learned to work with ADD. I actually didn't realize I had ADD until I was in college and couldn't focus to study. I came home after a month to reveal to her the fact that I thought I had ADD. Her response, "Yea, you do." She never had me diagnosed or used it as an excuse for my behavior. With patience, she loved me. She endured whatever came her way to teach me how to get things done without making excuses. She gave up her free, relaxing time and would stay up late to do laundry when I required all of her time doing homework. In retrospect she taught me what it meant to love sacrificially.
Many of the kids I work with get in trouble when they don't do their homework too. Not because they chose to be irresponsible or they are neglecting their education, but because the phone calls from the teachers are a pain.
But as the body of Christ we are not called to complain. We are called to action. Making disciples, loving people. Please, join us in this battle.